Friday April 4, 2025 9:30am - 10:15am EDT
Charts, photos, illustrations and videos can always spice up a ho-hum business news story. But sometimes these visual elements are more than just the centerpiece, they are the best way to tell the story. If you have ever wanted to learn new ways to hook your audience into your business news, this is the session for you.  You will learn how to identify visually driven stories that are better told through visuals, with prose assisting. As all audiences have come to expect more excitement and engagement from traditional media sources, there’s never been a better time to learn how visual journalism can help you tell great business news stories.
avatar for Abha Bhattarai

Abha Bhattarai

Economics Correspondent, The Washington Post
Abha Bhattarai is the Economics Correspondent at The Washington Post, where she covers the U.S. economy with an eye toward how data and policies affect everyday Americans. She previously covered retail for the publication and won the Gerald Loeb Award for her coverage of essential... Read More →
avatar for Karly Domb Sadof

Karly Domb Sadof

Visual Editor, The Wall Street Journal
Karly Domb Sadof is a Pulitzer Prize-winning visual editor. She has over a decade of experience conceiving and executing revelatory visual stories that captivate new and diverse audiences using photography, video, audio, graphics, illustration, data and design. Currently, she is Deputy... Read More →
Friday April 4, 2025 9:30am - 10:15am EDT
Senate Ballroom (2nd floor)

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